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Arrays constness discarding during implicit functions instantiation

D discards top level array's const during implicit functions instantiation and leaves it in case of explicit one. Consider code:

// main.d
import std.stdio;
void foo( T )( T val )
  writeln( typeid( T ) );
void main()
const int[] arr; writeln( typeid( arr ) ); // actual type foo( arr ); // implicit instantiation foo!( typeof( arr ) )( arr ); // explicit instantiation }
...and output:
$ dmd main.d && ./main
As you can see, top level const was lost in case of implicit instantiation. Is this bug, feature or my misunderstanding ?


  • What's lost is the constness of the array pointer - not the constness of the array itself.

    const int[] in D protects both the array pointer(you can't point it to a different array) and the array data(you can't change the elements). That's why the first and third outputs have 2 consts in them. However, when you pass the array to the function, there is no need to keep the constness of the pointer - if you change val inside foo to a different array, it won't effect the content of arr in the main function.