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Undefined reference to `_imp__glewInit@0'

I have built the glew lib so many times. My last build removed the undefined references to all the shader functions such as glCreateShader(). I think this build is the correct one cause I found out that Code:Blocks can open Visual Studio 6.0 projects so it had everything laid out for me.

I can compile my app without calling glewInit() but it results in a SEGFAULT right when glCreateShader() is called. Which is caused by not Initializing glew.

I need to turn it on but it wont let me XD

links: mingw32, glew32, opengl32, glu32, glut32

IDE: Code::Blocks



  • Save yourself a lot of trouble and just add the glew.c to your project directly. I do not understand why people fight so hard to link to it externally. The license is friendly, and it is only one source file. Just remember to #define GLEW_STATIC.