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Windows Phone 7 Emulator Location Data Format

I am looking for a format of the location data used by the Windowws Phone Emulator Additional Tools. On the tab "Location" there is an option to save/open recorder data. I ask this question because I need simulate geo position change but Location Tab doesn't work for me. As a workaround I am going to create a file of the location data and open it in the emulator.

enter image description here


  • It's a simple XML file in this format:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 
    <WindowsPhoneEmulator xmlns=""> 
            <Header version="1" /> 
            <GpsData latitude="" longitude="" /> 
            <GpsData latitude="" longitude="" /> 
            <GpsData latitude="" longitude="" /> 

    Answered thanks to "Konaju Games" user at AppHub forum (