I am developing an app that allows users to post to walls/groups very much like facebook or a classic forum. I really like the way you can post a link on facebook and the link will be recognized as a video, pic, or other media and will automatically display. Its a great feature b/c it keeps users on facebook instead of leaving the site. On that note, I was looking to implement something similar for my the app I am developing. Are there any rails plugins/gems that do this kind of thing?
Yes, I know how to google and have done so. I realize that I could write regular expressions to scan the link and then take an according action. However, I am looking for an existing implementation to save a boat load of time.
Any and all input would be appreciated.
Existing implementations would probably be employing some form of regular expression, although another approach is using custom "Markdown" syntax or BB code to make the regular expression easier.