I am creating page using JSF 2.0 where I am displaying all images that are there. Code I used is:
<h:dataTable id="imageList3" value="#{PersonalInformationDataBean.loadReviewReportDataById()}" var="reviewMyList" width="100%" border="1">
Currently this is displaying one image per row which is right. What I wanted to do is, display four images in 1 row. If there are 9 images that I should have output in below format and not 9 rows.
+ Image 1 + Image 2 + Image 3 + Image 4 +
+ Image 5 + Image 6 + Image 7 + Image 8 +
+ Image 9 + + + +
Please let me know if this is unclear.
You can place four <h:column>
with single h:graphicImage
in each or four h:graphicImage
in one <h:column>
well, you can modify your object (reviewMyList) to hold up to 3 inner objects which you will access inside each column like
ofcourse you will have to add
rendered="reviewMyList.first ne null"
rendered="reviewMyList.second ne null"
rendered="reviewMyList.third ne null"
to your <h:graphicImage