I am currently having some trouble with the Model.tag_counts_on() method in the acts_as_taggable_on plugin in Rails. I can't find real documentation on the method and I want to know more about the parameters it accepts. I am trying to get tag counts on a subset of tags, not the whole set of tags on my application, how would I go about doing this?
Assuming that you are using mbleigh/acts-as-taggable-on
This is the master branch of the gem in which the method appears in.
I would examine the conditions and on parameters.
def tag_counts_on(context, options = {})
all_tag_counts(options.merge({:on => context.to_s}))
# Calculate the tag counts for all tags.
# @param [Hash] options Options:
# * :start_at - Restrict the tags to those created after a certain time
# * :end_at - Restrict the tags to those created before a certain time
# * :conditions - A piece of SQL conditions to add to the query
# * :limit - The maximum number of tags to return
# * :order - A piece of SQL to order by. Eg 'tags.count desc' or 'taggings.created_at desc'
# * :at_least - Exclude tags with a frequency less than the given value
# * :at_most - Exclude tags with a frequency greater than the given value
# * :on - Scope the find to only include a certain context
def all_tag_counts(options = {})..end