The system consists of one central SQL server and two or more satellite servers. The satellite servers collect the measured data and send them to the central server. See the picture:
(The picture was taken from the official Service Broker Communication Protocols article and modified.)
I need to make the act of adding another satelite SQL as simple as possible. I mean, setting the newly added satelite SQL should possibly be the same as of the other satelite SQL machines. Is it possible at all?
All SQL servers are located in the same domain, no certificate-based encryption is neccessary -- at least not now. The ease and speed of deployment is the priority now. The security can be improved in the later phase.
In other words, can the satelite SQL use the same message types, the same contract-creation code, the same end-point setting,...
I am a bit confused with routing and target binding. Can you comment on that?
The absolute simplest of the simplest to deploy is the following config:
GRANT SEND ON SERVICE::[<servicename>] TO [public]
everywhere. This eliminates the need for database certificates and remote service bindings.GRANT CONNECT ON ENDPOINT::[<brokerendpointname>] TO [public]
allows two endpoints to connect using SSL (certificates) even w/o exchanging certificates.TRANSPORT
route and name your services using the [tcp://hostname:port/servicename]
convention.Let me explain why I'm recommending this setup:
on the broker endpoint removes the requirement to exchange certificates. All machines using this trick can talk to each other w/o any prior setup which is better even than using Windows authentication on the endpoints (that require grant connect to domain\machine$
ro requires deployment of SQL Server instances using specific domain accounts). Again, you loos the ability to say 'No' on a connection, you will accept connection from any SQL instance in your intranet.This configuration is really as close as you get to 'plug-and-play'. New machines can join the communication with any existing SQL Server SSB services immediately without requiring any configuration changes on the other existing machines.
Here is an example of how to configure a machines for such a deployment. Say you want to start by deploying the central server on MACHINE1
use master;
create database master key...
create certificate [MACHINE1] with subject 'MACHINE1';
create endpoint BROKER as tcp (listener_port 4022) for service_broker
(authentication certificate [MACHINE1]);
grant connect on endpoint::BROKER to [public];
use db1;
create message type...
create contract ...
create queue ...
create service [tcp://MACHINE1:4022/CentralService]
on ...
grant send on service::[tcp://MACHINE1:4022/CentralService] to [public];
create route transport with address = 'TRANSPORT';
That's it. Now let ad a node, say on host MACHINE2:
use master;
create database master key...
create certificate [MACHINE2] with subject 'MACHINE2';
create endpoint BROKER as tcp (listener_port 4022) for service_broker
(authentication certificate [MACHINE2]);
grant connect on endpoint::BROKER to [public];
use db2;
create message type...
create contract ...
create queue ...
create service [tcp://MACHINE2:4022/Satellite]
on ...
grant send on service::[tcp://MACHINE2:4022/Satellite] to [public];
create route transport with address = 'TRANSPORT';
That's it. Now two things happen:
syntax the two services can immediately exchange messages as-is, without any explicit routing.The best thing is how you add a new node, say MACHINE3:
use master;
create database master key...
create certificate [MACHINE3] with subject 'MACHINE3';
create endpoint BROKER as tcp (listener_port 4022) for service_broker
(authentication certificate [MACHINE3]);
grant connect on endpoint::BROKER to [public];
use db2;
create message type...
create contract ...
create queue ...
create service [tcp://MACHINE3:4022/Satellite]
on ...
grant send on service::[tcp://MACHINE3:4022/Satellite] to [public];
create route transport with address = 'TRANSPORT';
Now, whiteout any single change to MACHINE1 nor to MACHINE2, the new node MACHINE3 can exchange messages with the central service, and actually with the Satellite of MACHINE2 too, if needed. The endpoints are accepting anybody to connect so MACHINE3 is welcome, and the service names used are auto-routed by the special TRANSPORT routing mechanism. This is the beauty of this configuration, the plug-and-play: adding a new node requires 0 config on the other nodes.
So what gives? The biggest problem is security. Any employee can download SQL Server Express on his desktop, set up an unauthorized Satellite node and start exchanging messages with the Central service. There really isn't anything to stop him, you have explicitly open all gates. A more subtle problem is when a service moves. When the service [tcp://MACHINE3:4022/Satellite]
is moved (eg. via database backup/restore) to MACHINE4
the name of the service is still a valid TRANSPORT route syntax name, but is incorrect. Depending on how important is to preserve existing conversation, you can choose to nuke the service and create a new one, named [tcp://MACHINE4:4022/Satellite]
and party (you cannot rename a service, you must drop and create a new one). If maintaining existing conversation is critical then there are workarounds, as adding an explicit route for it on the Central service database will take precedence over the last-resort TRANSPORT route and messages will be redirected correctly. The important thing is that there are solutions :)