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mako template recursion: AttributeError: 'Undefined' object has no attribute 'id'

I've made a template for representing a tree structure. Each node of the tree has an id, a name, a list of children (tree_children) and an expanded property.

I arranged a few nodes in a tree structure and then called the following function with the root node:

def print_tree_info(oCat, iOffset=0):
    just for testing purposes. print to console
    sOffset = '   '*iOffset
    if oCat.expanded:
        sButton = '-'
        if oCat.tree_children:
            sButton = '+'
            sButton = '.'
    if oCat.expanded:
        for oChild in oCat.tree_children:

it printed


which is great.

Now, passing the same node structure into the render function of a mako template (along with the mako template itself) I get the attribute error.

Here's how I render the template:

template = Template(..........)
html = template.render(category=root_node, item_template=template)

Here's the template

%if category is UNDEFINED:
%elif category:
<div class="tree_item"  category_id="${}">
%if category.expanded:
    <a class="collapse_tree_item"  category_id="${}">-</a>
%elif category.tree_children:
    <a class="expand_tree_item" category_id="${}">+</a>
<a class="select_tree_item">${}</a>
%if category.expanded:
    %for oChild in category.tree_children:


  • <a class="expand_tree_item" category_id="${}">+</a>

    should be

    <a class="expand_tree_item" category_id="${}">+</a>

    Lesson learned: be consistent in your naming conventions.