What are the codes such as CC, LD and CC[M] output when compiling the Linux kernel?
While compiling Linux from scratch I realize that there are compile codes that appear while compiling.
For example CC filename , LD filename, CC[M] filename.
What do these codes mean?
The different markings specify the following
[CC] - Compiles the C file into an designated object file. The object file contains the archicture assembler code of that .c file. As it might also reference parts outside its scope. For example calling another function in another .c file. The function calls are left open within the object file, which is later included by the linker. Therefore
[LD] is the proces of linking the compiled objects together, and wire up the function calls that has been left open by the compiler. However, many parts are linked together as the core part of the kernel, while some parts are left out. And thus you see
[CC (M)] for those parts which are compiled as points to be loaded into the kernel at runtime. But which are not linked together in the monolithic part of the kernel. But instead can be inserted when the kernel is booted.