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How to display an array item in dancer?

I try to display an array item in dancer, here is the code:

get '/' => sub {
  my @rows = ('aaa','bbb','ccc');
  template '', {'rows' => \@rows};

and the template is:

  <h2><% $rows[1] %></h2>
  <h2><% rows[1] %></h2>
  <% FOREACH r IN rows %>
    <p><% r %></p>
  <% END %>

In the h2 element show nothing, what is the right way?


  • You can't pass anything but a simple scalar value if you are using the default Dancer template engine. But if you enable Template::Toolkit as the engine then all kinds of things are possible.

    You can do this globally by setting template: template_toolkit in the YAML config file, or you can set it just for this route by writing

    get '/' => sub {
      my @rows = ('aaa','bbb','ccc');
      set template => 'template_toolkit';
      template '', { rows => \@rows };

    Your template will look like

    <h2><% rows.1 %></h2>
    <% FOREACH r IN rows %>
    <p><% r %></p>
    <% END %>

    and you will need

    use Template;

    to load the Template::Toolkit module before you use either method