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Rails Carmen get Country name and State name from code

I am using the Carmen gem to render a country select in Rails. The country is stored as Code in the database. How can I get the "Full name" back from this code?

gem 'carmen-rails', '~> 1.0.0.beta3'

<%= f.country_select :country, prompt: 'Please select a country' %>

I tried several options, none of them worked so far! For example:


Leading to error:

undefined method `country_name' for Carmen:Module

Second try:

in profiles_controller:

@profile = Profile.find(params[:id])
@country = Carmen::Country.named( )  

In profiles index view:

<%= @country.official_name %>

This leads to error:

undefined method `official_name' for nil:NilClass

Why is my application failing?


  • Check out the test spec for carmen on github:

    @country = Carmen::Country.coded(
    <%= %>