I've been working on an embedded C/C++ project recently using the shell in Tornado 2 as a way of debugging what's going on in our kit. The only problem with this approach is that it's a complicated system and as a result, has a fair bit of output. Tornado 'helpfully' scrolls the window every time some new information arrives which means that if you spot an error, it disappears out of site too quickly to see. Each time you scroll up to look, the system adds more information, so the only way to view it is to disconnect the hardware.
I'd love to know if anyone has a way of redirecting the output from Tornado?
I was hoping there might be a way to log it all from a small python app so that I can apply filters to the incoming information. I've tried connecting into the Tornado process, but the window with the information isn't a standard CEditCtrl so extracting the text that way was a dead end.
Any ideas anyone?
[Edit] I should have mentioned that we're only running Tornado 2.1.0 and upgrading to a more recent version is beyond my control.
[Edit2] The window in question in Tornado is an 'AfxFrameOrView42' according to WinID.
here is another potential way:
-> saveFd = open("myfile.txt",0x102, 0777 ) -> oldFd = ioGlobalStdGet(1) -> ioGlobalStdSet(1, saveFd) -> runmytest() ... -> ioGlobalStdSet(1, oldFd)
this will redirect all stdout activity to the file you opened. You might have to play around with the file name of the open to make it write on the host (e.g. use "host:/myfile.txt" or something like this)