I am working on making a polymorphic association of a phone number to a volunteer (and later to other things), currently i am stuck with the following error:
uninitialized constant HumanVolunteer::PrimaryPhone
app/controllers/human_volunteers_controller.rb:44:in `new'
app/controllers/human_volunteers_controller.rb:44:in `create'
Here is my PhoneNumbers Model:
class PhoneNumber < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :notes, :number
belongs_to :phone, :polymorphic => true
And here is my HumanVolunteers model:
class HumanVolunteer < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :firstName, :lastName, :homeaddressid, :notes, :status, :workdaddressid, :home_adr, :work_adr, :primaryPhone
has_one :primaryPhone, :as => :phone
def home_adr=(home_adr_arg)
# Home ADR
home_adr = Address.new(home_adr_arg)
if home_adr.save
self.homeaddressid = home_adr.id
def work_adr=(work_adr_arg)
# Work ADR
work_adr = Address.new(work_adr_arg)
if home_adr.save
self.workaddressid = work_adr.id
And my schema for phone numbers and human_volunteers:
Table: human_volunteers
id integer
status character varying(255)
homeaddressid integer
workdaddressid integer
notes text
created_at timestamp without time zone
updated_at timestamp without time zone
firstName character varying(255)
lastName character varying(255)
Table: phone_numbers
id integer
number character varying(255)
notes text
created_at timestamp without time zone
updated_at timestamp without time zone
phone_id integer
phone_type character varying(255)
The error is happening when i try to create a new volunteer under any inputs here is my current example request:
NOTE: i also have an address class, but i've already got that working so i didnt clutter up this post with it.
From browsing around on the forum it seemed like the main problem for others was plauralization, but as far as i can tell i've got everything plauralized correctly.
I also tried adding a phone_id or primaryPhone_id to the human volunteers table but it didnt help.
Thank you very much, - Ken
Your has_one
needs to know which class its refering to.
has_one :primary_phone, :class_name => "PhoneNumber", :as => :phone