I have a data file that is several million lines long, and contains information from many groups. Below is an abbreviated section:
rs10 A C 0.055 1232 A C 0.055 3221
rs1000 A G 0.208 1232 A G 0.208 3221
rs10000 G C 0.134 1232 C G 0.8624 3221
rs10001 C A 0.229 1232 A C 0.775 3221
I would like to created a weighted average of the frequency (FREQ) variable (which in itself is straightforward), however in this case some of the rows are mismatched (rows 3 & 4). If the letters do not line up, then the frequency of the second group needs to be subtracted by 1 before the weighted mean of that marker is calculated.
I would like to set up a simple IF statement, but I am unsure of the syntax of such a task.
Any insight or direction is appreciated!
Say you've read your data in a data frame called mydata. Then do the following:
mydata$GROUP2_FREQ <- mydata$GROUP2_FREQ - (mydata$GROUP1_A1 != mydata$GROUP2_A1)
It works because R treats TRUE values as 1 and FALSE values as 0.
EDIT: Try the following instead:
mydata$GROUP2_FREQ <- abs( (as.character(mydata$GROUP1_A1) !=
as.character(mydata$GROUP2_A1)) -
as.numeric(mydata$GROUP2_FREQ) )