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MonoMac Signing with "codesign" for Mac Store. (Invalid Binary)

Hi im trying to code sign a MonoMac binary for the Mac Store via "Application Loader". I can submit the app, but the status in "Itunes Connect" will always say "Invalid Binary" !? The reason I have to manually do this is because theres a bug in MonoMac signing. But i'm starting to pull my hair out now as it been over a day and a half.

I also get back an email saying:

Invalid Signature - the main app bundle Paper Tanks at path Paper is signed but the signature is invalid.

If I try to sign the binary with this the "Application Loader" will give an error:

codesign -v --force --sign "A72F25F56B7D6C43332AE795288EA092009BE737" "--resource-rules=/Users/Andrew/Reign/Games/papertanks/PaperTanks_OSX/PaperTanks_OSX/bin/AppStore/Paper" --entitlements "/Users/Andrew/Reign/Games/papertanks/PaperTanks_OSX/PaperTanks_OSX/bin/AppStore/Paper Tanks.xcent" "/Users/Andrew/Reign/Games/papertanks/PaperTanks_OSX/PaperTanks_OSX/bin/AppStore/Paper"

Application Loader error = "Invalid Code Signing Entitlements. The entitlements in your app bundle signature do not match the ones that are contained in the provisioning profile. The bundle contains a key that is not included in the provisioning profile: '' in Paper Tanks'."

So because the step above fails I then code sign the app like this:

codesign -v --force --sign "3rd Party Mac Developer Application: Andrew Witte" "--resource-rules=.../AppStore/Paper" "..../AppStore/Paper"

Then I code sign the internal mono posix lib as the last step doesn't seem to.

codesign -v --force --sign "3rd Party Mac Developer Application: Andrew Witte" .../AppStore/Paper\

Then I build and sign the pkg:

productbuild --component ".../AppStore/Paper" /Applications --sign "3rd Party Mac Developer Installer: Andrew Witte" ".../AppStore/PaperTanks_OSX-0.1.pkg"


  • The issue was fixed by me upgrading to Xcode 4.4