I develop an app for iPad.
At now, i test application on iPad-5.1 Simulator.
And for my unhappiness, application falls down.
1) I use FacebookSDK 3.0
2) Compile FacebookSDK into Framework FBiOSSDK
3) Add Framework FBiOSSDK to project
4) See log of Linker
5) Undefined symbols for architecture i386:
"_sqlite3_open_v2" and many-many "_sqlite3_*" symbols.
Maybe i set wrong options to facebook-sdk project when build it to framework?
Can anybody help?
After search, i find a solution:
"Add to project libsqlite3.0.dylib"
But Linker said: "ignoring file /path/libsqlite3.dylib, missing required architecture i386 in file"
-- Main Problem --
After an hour, i've found out, that i link framework in wrong way.
Script create it in local directory (not in System/Library/Frameworks or Library/Frameworks).
After adding it, Framework Search Paths
changes to not default value.
How to build framework in right way?
So, after a long time i make such things to make this FacebookSDK work:
1)First, I delete build of FacebookSDK framework (rm -rf) and run script for building framework (build_framework.sh)
2)After that, i add to project (project -> build phases -> link binary with libraries ) FacebookSDK.framework (from local directory, with button add other) and libsqlite3.0dylib and libsqlite3.dylib (just search it in search-field!)
0) or 3)And After that i make this: find directory ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData and delete EVERYTHING from this. (use command rm -rf dir_name/*)
You can do it from step 3) that i also named step 0).
Here i provide a script, which can help you
my $pathToCacheDirectory = qq(~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/);
sub TaskToDo{
my ($refToArgv)=@_;
die "can't work with too much parameters" unless(scalar(@$refToArgv)==1);
my $what = shift @$refToArgv;
my $time = 30; #wait 30 seconds in each iteration
my $workRef = sub{
print "i will delete: ";
print qx(ls $pathToCacheDirectory);
qx(rm -rf $pathToCacheDirectory);
#view help
if ($what eq 'help'){
print qx(perldoc -t $0);
#list directory
if ($what eq 'watch'){
print qx(ls $pathToCacheDirectory);
#kill files instantly
if ($what eq 'now'){
print 'kill now'.qq(\n);
print 'see result'.qq(\n);
print qx(ls $pathToCacheDirectory);
#switch on watcher
if ($what eq 'work'){
#in INF loop
for my $s(0..4){
#print "this is <<$_>>\n";
print "time remaining: ".(5-$s)*$time." sec \n";
This script clear directory with cache from Xcode
-- 'help' will show this log
-- 'work' will run script as observer and killer
-- 'watch' will show info about directory with cache
-- 'now' will kill all instantly
Example: perl scriptName.pl help