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How to use HornetQ match patterns

I'm using Jboss and I need to define 2 different DLQ's so that one queue would have DLQ1 and the other queues will have DLQ2.

I looked at HornetQ documentation and found the address_settings tag that have a match attribute:

<address-setting match="jms.queue.exampleQueue">

If i have a queue defined like:

<jms-queue name="Test">
<entry name="queue/Test"/>

What would be the match pattern for it? is it jms.queue.Test?

How can i see the messages in the DLQ? Do i have to write an MDB that listens to it or is it possible to see it in the admin console of jboss?


  • What would be the match pattern for it? is it jms.queue.Test? -->> yes, that's correct pattern. You can use JMS browser API for this or hornetq admin API