I have a TextField that I wish to get an integer input from. In the previous c# Wpf version, I subscribe to the PreviewTextInput as follows:
private void PrevInp(object sender, TextCompositionEventArgs e)
int temp;
if (!(int.TryParse(e.Text, out temp)))
e.Handled = true;
if (TextAltered == false)
inp.Text = "";
TextAltered = true;
Hopefully I can do something a little cleaner in Scala. I see you can set a function for inputVerifier, but the inputVerifier is only called when the TextField loses focus.
I can use the KeyTyped event like so:
val intF = new TextField(defInt.toString, 5)
inputVerifier = myV _
listenTo(keys, this)
reactions += { case e: KeyTyped => text = text.filter(_.isDigit)}
def myV(v: Component ): Boolean = text.forall(_.isDigit)
But the new key pressed is added after the filter is applied.
The answer is to use event.consume as follows
val intF = new TextField(defInt.toString, 5)
inputVerifier = myV _
reactions +=
case e: KeyTyped =>
if (!e.char.isDigit)