So here is the problem. This application I have uses ODAC components but I don't want to have to install oracle clients on all the computers the application has to be installed on. So I fallowed this article below:
What is the minimal setup required to deploy a .NET application with Oracle client 11?
The article works well with computers that have some sort of oracle installed or at least tnsnames.ora is in the correct location. However on a fresh machine I receive the error ORA-12645: Parameter does not exist. I have tried packaging the tnsnames.ora along with sqlnet.ora but the .dlls can’t find them. The code below is where the error is coming from:
g_Db.ConnectionString = "Data Source=(DESCRIPTION= (ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=osw-rmoradev)(PORT=1523))) (CONNECT_DATA=(SERVER=DEDICATED)(SID=RML3A))); User Id=RM_Level3;Password="passowrd";"
Any Ideas on how to package the .ora files will be helpful.
It seems by setting the environmental variables for the program instance to the location of the .ora data files seems to have fixed the issue.
nvironment.SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", "c:\Documents and Settings\" & currentUserName & "\Local Settings\Apps\2.0;" + "c:\Documents and Settings\" & currentUserName & "\Local Settings\Apps\2.0\Data\\R5MG416O.62T\77DKVOW4.TWH\rct...tion_7a1a328dbe52217b_0002.0000_f2dbb34fd1c05e8d\Data;", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process)
Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("ORACLE_HOME", "c:\Documents and Settings\" & currentUserName & "\Local Settings\Apps\2.0", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process)