Can somebody please explain me the below?
stub.inputHttpheaders_x.put('Cookie', 'name = value');
What is 'name = value' in this case?
I am getting the cookie as below:
How do i use this cookie in the first statement?
Thanks in advance.
When you get hold of the stub, you can set the HTTP Header fields using the inputHttpheaders_x.put method.
This Wikipedia link has a good description of what fields you can set on a HTTP Header. One of these fields to set is "Cookie". It can be set to a "key=value" value for e.g. "site=google".
The code block
stub.inputHttpheaders_x.put('Cookie', 'name = value');
sets the value 'name = value' to the Cookie header field.
Similarly, you can access cookie value set in the HTTP Headers on a response object using:
String cookie = stub.outputHttpHeaders_x.get('Set-Cookie')
Hope this makes sense!
Anup P.S: If you are trying this with a proper integration setup. Try printing the values out to understand the format of the output.