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OCS/Lync Website presence indication

I'm building few webparts for Sharepoint and I need to show presence of users (from Lync/OCS). When I use :

<img border=\"0\" height=\"12\" width=\"12\" src=\"/_layouts/images/blank.gif\" onload=\"IMNRC('" + user.Email + "')\" id=\"IMID_" + Guid.NewGuid() + "\" ShowOfflinePawn=1>&nbsp;" + user.Name + "</span>

It works fine and I get nice presence control with many features (name, email, I can call this person or send any message etc...) :


The problem is that it works only in IE, is there any way I can have the same features in other browsers ?


  • What are are using uses ActiveX, and will only work for IE.

    You can use the HTML Presence Controls for Microsoft Lync Server 2010 if you want to support multiple browsers.