Does anyone know how to stop >nul
being ignored when set in a variable, or is this not possible? I have a feeling that it's one of those things that will only work once all variables have been expanded or something, but it can't hurt to ask.
@echo off
:: Won't work
SET pause_5=ping localhost /n 6 >nul
:: Will work
SET pause_5=ping localhost /n 6
%pause_5% >nul
Put quotes around the argument:
set "pause_5=ping localhost /n 6 >nul"
Another option is to escape characters that will be interpreted by the shell:
set pause_5=ping localhost /n 6 ^>nul
But usually the quotes approach is a lot easier.
The way you wrote is essentially said »set pause_5
to ping localhost /n 6
and ignore the output of the set