I have a web client that calls my WCF business service layer, which in turn, calls external WCF services to get the actual data. Initially, I thought I would use DTOs and have separate business entities in the different layers... but I'm finding that the trivial examples advocating for DTOs, to be, well, trivial. I see too much duplicate code and not much benefit.
Consider my Domain:
Example Domain I have a single UI screen (Asp.net MVC View) that shows a patient's list of medications, the adverse reactions (between medications), and any clinical conditions (like depression or hypertension) the patient may have. My domain model starts at the top level with:
List<MedicationProfile> MedicationProfiles
List<AdverseReactions> Reactions
List<ClinicalConditions> ClinicalConditions
MedicationProfile is itself a complex object
string Name
decimal Dosage
Practitioner prescriber
Practioner is itself a complex object
string FirstName
string LastName
PractionerType PractionerType
PractionerId Id
Address Address
Further, when making the WCF requests, we have a request/response object, e.g.
MedicationRecord MedicationRecord
List<ClientMessage> Messages
QueryStatus Status
and again, these other objects are complex objects
(and further, complicates matter is that they exist in a different, common shared namespace)
At this point, my inclination is that the MedicationRecordResponse is my DTO. But in pure DataContracts and DTO and separation of design, am I suppose to do this?
and that would mean I then need to do
Because I have show almost all the information on the screen, I am effectively creating 1 DTO for each domain object I have.
My question is -- what would you do? Would you go ahead and create all these DTOs? Or would you just share your domain model in a separate assembly?
Here's some reading from other questions that seemed relevant:
Take a look on excellent articles
above links don't work, looks like a domain issue (I hope it'll be fix), here is the source: