How can you run WEBrick servers in the background as a Windows service? I tried following the advice in this post, but I am using Rails 3, and couldn't come up with an equivalent to C:\RUBYAPP\script\server -e production
, since the server
directory doesn't exist in Rails 3 anymore. Any help?
I have never seen WEBrick used in Windows services but a workaround could be running the web server as a background job. This is how you would do it:
You'll need a bat file with the 2 instructions to start the web server:
Then you'll need to convert that bat file to an exe file. Check this for a free tool. I know the tool exists for 32 and 64 bits, you might need to look around for the right one.
When you create the exe make sure to select it to run as an invisible app.
Then you put the exe in the start up folder. That should do it.