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How do I fix a bad Capistrano deployment?

Made a large update last night and my site is currently down. I used cap deploy:rollback with no luck. The error logs aren't telling me much. The last error I saw when trying to deploy was:

 ** [out ::] You are trying to install in deployment mode after changing
 ** [out ::] your Gemfile. Run `bundle install` elsewhere and add the
 ** [out ::] updated Gemfile.lock to version control.
 ** [out ::] 
 ** [out ::] You have deleted from the Gemfile:
 ** [out ::] * asset_sync
    command finished in 934ms

My cap tail just says the following with no errors:

Migrating to AddSessionsTable (20120722094547)
Migrating to AddSlugToUserProjects (20120723204816)
Migrating to AddSlugIndexToUserProjects (20120723205558)
Migrating to CreateFriendlyIdSlugs (20120723210904)
Migrating to AddNameToUsers (20120723221700)
Migrating to AddSlugToUsers (20120723222456)
Migrating to CreateComments (20120724203252)

Any help?


  • It looks like the Gemfile change didn't go well. How it was fixed:

    1. logged into server, there were 6 ruby processes that were taking all available things. This is almost certainly the unicorn processes trying to start and couldn't… killall -9 ruby
    2. cd into the app's current directory
    3. RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake assets:precompile
    4. service unicorn_whimseybox start

    It looks like (in the unicorn.log), the error was: E, [2012-07-26T17:27:10.552912 #24818] ERROR -- : uninitialized constant AssetSync (NameError)