Have the following Domain modal:
class TransactionHeader {
static hasMany = [details: TransactionDetail]
class TransactionDetail {
static belongsTo = [header: TransactionHeader]
Product product
I'm trying to write a criteria query that will return all the TransactionHeader rows that contain TransactionDetails with 2 different Products. This is what I have so far and it isn't doing exactly what I'm after:
def list = TransactionHeader.withCriteria {
details {
and {
eq("product", product1)
eq("product", product2)
What's happening is it is return rows that contain at least 1 detail with 1 of the products. I need rows that have 2 details, each with one of the products.
Feels like you want to move details out of that, so actually
def list = TransactionHeader.withCriteria {
and {
details {
eq("product", product1)
details {
eq("product", product2)
Not sure how hibernate / gorm will deal this, though.