When m2e(1.1.0) in eclipse(indigo) updates project configuration it changes the entry for my resources folder to exclude all.
<classpathentry excluding="**" kind="src" output="target/classes" path="conf"/>
But I need the following for tests to run successfully:
<classpathentry kind="src" output="target/classes" path="conf"/>
I want to exclude some resources from my jar (e.g., license.foo) but I need many of these files to be on the eclipse classpath to enable test execution.
What's the right approach to resolve this problem?
How have you approached this class of problem? (FYI this is similar to MNGECLIPSE-864)
You should place resources that you need at runtime to
and resources that you only need for testing to
This is the Maven Standard Directory layout and the resources will be on the classpath.
If you have not standard directories you should use the Maven Build Helper Plugin to add additional (test) resource directories.