I am re-writing a Palm Pilot program to Android, and have hit a wall. My lack of C experience leaves me completely at a loss for ideas. This is the original C code :
The .h
file :
typedef void (__stdcall *fp_setbaud)(WORD);
typedef short (__stdcall *fp_get)(WORD);
typedef void (__stdcall *fp_put)(BYTE);
typedef void (__stdcall *fp_flush)(void);
typedef void (__stdcall *fp_delay)(WORD);
//typedef void (__stdcall *fp_err)(WORD);
typedef short (__stdcall *fp_ProgressUpdate)(WORD);
The .c
file :
fp_setbaud RelayAPI_SetBaud;
fp_get RelayAPI_get;
fp_put RelayAPI_put;
fp_flush RelayAPI_flush;
fp_delay RelayAPI_delay;
fp_ProgressUpdate RelayAPI_ProgressUpdateTX;
fp_ProgressUpdate RelayAPI_ProgressUpdateRX;
BYTE __stdcall InitRelay(fp_setbaud _setbaud, fp_get _get, fp_put _put, fp_flush _flush, fp_delay _delay){
Then later in the code, These functions are called as follows :
if(baud9600) RelayAPI_SetBaud(9600);
else RelayAPI_SetBaud(1200);
In the main method of the old C
file InitRelay
is called like this...
The five parameters are all functions declared in that main file.
I would like to call InitRelay
from my Java code, but all of those functions that it is passed deal with Palm Pilot functionality. I have rewritten them all in Java for the Android application and would like to use those. So, this is what I have done...
jmethodID changeID;
jmethodID getID;
jmethodID putID;
jmethodID flushID;
jmethodID delayID;
// These two below are COMPLETELY wrong.
jmethodID RelayAPI_ProgressUpdateTX;
jmethodID RelayAPI_ProgressUpdateRX;
jclass bluetoothClass;
BYTE __stdcall InitRelayJava( JNIEnv *env, jobject obj ) {
bluetoothClass = (*env)->GetObjectClass( env, obj );
changeID = (*env)->GetMethodID( env, bluetoothClass, "changeitJava", "(I)Z" );
getID = (*env)->GetMethodID( env, bluetoothClass, "getitJava" , "()V" );
putID = (*env)->GetMethodID( env, bluetoothClass, "putitJava" , "([B)V" );
flushID = (*env)->GetMethodID( env, bluetoothClass, "flushitJava" , "()V" );
delayID = (*env)->GetMethodID( env, bluetoothClass, "delayitJava" , "(I)V" );
RelayAPI_SetBaud= env->CallBooleanMethod( bluetoothClass, changeID , int rate );
RelayAPI_get = env->CallVoidMethod ( bluetoothClass, getID );
RelayAPI_put = env->CallVoidMethod ( bluetoothClass, putID , byte[] buff );
RelayAPI_flush = env->CallVoidMethod ( bluetoothClass, flushID );
RelayAPI_delay = env->CallVoidMethod ( bluetoothClass, delayID );
There are 2 problems with what I have done:
1) RelayAPI_* members aren't declared in the Android version of the program because I do not know the correct type to name them.
2) When I actually define the RelayAPI_* members in the Android version, it isn't at all what I am trying to do. The env->CallXXXMethod
calls are actually CALLING those methods (in an incorrect way I know, its written out for you to visualize). I need to set those members equal to POINTERS to those function calls.
If anyone knows what I can do for these two problems please let me know. If I'm going about it all wrong, I'd also appreciate that information. Here are some tutorials I have been working with but don't see anything pertaining to the problem I am having.
What about something like this:
typedef void (*fp_setbaud)(WORD);
void WrapSetBaud(WORD w) {
env->CallBooleanMethod( bluetoothClass ...
fp_setbaud RelayAPI_SetBaud = WrapSetBaud;
And so on. You get the picture I hope. You'd have to save env globally somewhere for the wrappers to access it.