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How to convert to CamelCase in R

In R, I want to convert

t1 <- c('this.text', 'next.text')
"this.text" "next.text"


'ThisText' 'NextText'

I have tried

gsub('\\..', '', t1)

But this gives me

"thisext" "nextext"

as it does not replace the letter after the period.

Probably really easy but I can't work it out.


  • Here's one approach but with regex there's probably better ones:

    t1 <- c('this.text', 'next.text')
    camel <- function(x){ #function for camel case
        capit <- function(x) paste0(toupper(substring(x, 1, 1)), substring(x, 2, nchar(x)))
        sapply(strsplit(x, "\\."), function(x) paste(capit(x), collapse=""))

    This yields:

    > camel(t1)
    [1] "ThisText" "NextText"

    EDIT: As a curiosity I microbenchmarked the 4 answers (TOM=original poster, TR=myself, JMS=jmsigner & SB=sebastion; commented on jmsigner's post) and found the non regex answers to be faster. I would have assumed them slower.

       expr     min      lq  median      uq      max
    1 JMS() 183.801 188.000 197.796 201.762  349.409
    2  SB()  93.767  97.965 101.697 104.963  147.881
    3 TOM()  75.107  82.105  85.370  89.102 1539.917
    4  TR()  70.442  76.507  79.772  83.037  139.484

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