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Generate XML using Xerces-C++

I am attempting to generate XML similar to the below using the xerces libraries. I cannot find a suitable example to follow; can anyone with experience in this area please advise?

<ad xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="smaato_ad_v0.9.xsd" modelVersion="0.9">
            <script>yadda...yadda... richmedia content ...yadda</script>


  • Replace the creation of the document in the code of the Codeproject sample with

    p_DOMDocument = p_DOMImplementation->createDocument(0, L"ad", 0);

    to create a document with an ad element as root node.

    Access the root element in the document with

    DOMElement* pRoot = p_DOMDocument->getDocumentElement();

    Create single elements with calls like:

    DOMElement* pEle = p_DOMDocument->createElement(L"richmediaAd");

    Set attributes with calls to

    pEle->setAttribute(L"modelVersion", L"0.9");

    Set textual content like this:

    DOMText* pText = p_DOMDocument->createTextNode(L"yadda...yadda...");

    Hope this helps