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Cannot read that as a ZipFile for .exe file C#

I'm using SevenZIP library files to unzip/extract .exe file. When i tried this approcah I'm getting a error Cannot read that as a ZipFile & zip exception was unhanded. I don't want to use any 7zip.exe console app in my project & i prefer to use .dll files in my project.

Is there any other way to extract .exe file?

  private void MyExtract()
            ExtractZip(@"D:\\64\953-win_x86.exe", ".");
            ExtractZip(@"D:\\64\.702-win_x64.exe", ".");

    private void ExtractZip(string zipFile, string directory)
        using (var zip1 = ZipFile.Read(zipFile))
            // here, we extract every entry, but we could extract conditionally
            // based on entry name, size, date, checkbox status, etc.  
            foreach (var e in zip1)
            e.Extract(directory, ExtractExistingFileAction.OverwriteSilently);


  • Code sample looks like you are using DotNetZip and not SevenZipLib. DotNetZip can only extract .zip files, not 7-zip nor .exe.