I have multiple named scopes in my model. They have different names but same parameters. Now, when I use these named scopes based on a condition I have to duplicate the entire parameters all the time. Is there anyway to avoid that?
For ex: In my say a Product model:
named_scope :example1, lambda{ |parameter1, parameter2|{
//some code here//
named_scope :example2, lambda{ |parameter1, parameter2|{
//some code here//
named_scope :example3, lambda{ |parameter1, parameter2|{
//some code here//
Now, I want to use these based on condition
Product.example1(param1, param2)
elsif (condition)
Product.example2(param1, param2)
Product.example3(param1, param2)
Is there any way to call it like this in ruby:
variable = example1 //I can get the name of named_scope here
Product.variable(param1, param2). //The relevant named_scope should be used.
You can use Object#send do send Product a message (aka call a method).