I'm currently trying to do a mailmerge, using C# and OpenOffice.
I have a list of destanatary in my DB. I would like this to be possible :
Then the program loops through all user, and for each user replace the mailmerge fields in the OO document with DB data's, send it by mail/print/whatever.
Problem : I can't find any way, in C#, to replace the mailmerge fields in the OO document with DB data's, because i can't find what Property/Method handle these fields.
Please help me by annual bonus depends on it ! (sic)
Only pointer I found was that it seems I'll need the UNO Library, but it seems it doesn't exist in C#.
General help on using C# with OpenOffice:
http://www.oooforum.org/forum/viewtopic.phtml?p=151606 http://opendocument4all.com/content/view/68/47/
With OO 3.0 you'll need to reference cli_*.dll libraries, they are put to GAC when OO is installed.
A sample code to initialize OO connection:
private static XMultiServiceFactory _multiServiceFactory;
private static XComponentLoader _componentLoader;
private static XFileIdentifierConverter _urlConverter;
private static void Initialize()
XComponentContext localContext = uno.util.Bootstrap.bootstrap();
_multiServiceFactory = (XMultiServiceFactory)localContext.getServiceManager();
_componentLoader = (XComponentLoader)_multiServiceFactory.createInstance("com.sun.star.frame.Desktop");
_urlConverter = (XFileIdentifierConverter)_multiServiceFactory.createInstance("com.sun.star.ucb.FileContentProvider");
Loading document:
string url = _urlConverter.getFileURLFromSystemPath(Path.GetPathRoot(path), path);
XComponent xComponent = _componentLoader.loadComponentFromURL(url, "_blank", 0, new PropertyValue[] { MakePropertyValue("Hidden", new uno.Any(true))});
XTextDocument doc = (XTextDocument)xComponent;
private static PropertyValue MakePropertyValue(string cName, Any uValue)
PropertyValue oPropertyValue = new PropertyValue();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cName))
oPropertyValue.Name = cName;
oPropertyValue.Value = uValue;
return oPropertyValue;
Read more on what you can do we XTextDocument here.
See also OpenOffice.org Developer's guide.
One more useful link:
Hope this helps