I've been trying to create a chatbot (as an assignment) in prolog, so far I have made a database in a .pl file and I have listed a lot of possible conversations. I know that prolog works like this for example if we have
and we type
it will respond
yes or ture.
Now I don't know how to use my database so that the program can work exactly as a chatbot for example without the need to write in appropriate syntax:
Hello (typed by the user)
Hi there, (typed by the program automatically)
My database is like this:
answer( question, [
[Yes, I am here]]).
question ([are you there?])
The prototype chatbot I'm aware of is ELIZA by Weizenbaum 1966.
Implementing it in Prolog is rather easy, as shown in The Art of Prolog by Sterling & Shapiro.
Googling for 'ELIZA Prolog', the first link gives you a fairly complex implementation, and you could adapt/reuse the engine with your database. But this way you will lose all the fun. I suggest you read the book and take the time to implement your own.
Just in case you haven't still seen it, SWISH offers a clean, barebone ELIZA implementation among its examples.