I have a little problem, I need to send an ajax request to a file. Here is my HTML File (index.html)
<a id="like" href="./?act=like&id=24" title="Nobody likes this post!">Like</a> · <a id="dislike" href="./?act=dislike&id=24" title="Nobody dislikes this post!">Dislike</a>
And my like.php file:
if(!is_logged()) {
header("Location: ./?act=Home");
$uid = $user['id'];
$id = $_GET['id'];
if(isset($id)) {
$query = mysql_query("INSERT INTO ld (auth_id,post_id,val)
VALUES ('".$uid."','".$id."','1')");
if($query) {
header("Location: ".$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
} else {
echo "Contatta l'amministratore riportando l'errore 101";
} else {
header("Location: ./?act=Home");
And my "ld" table:
== Struttura della tabella ld
|Campo |Tipo |Null|Predefinito
|//**id**//|int(5) |No |
|auth_id |varchar(5)|No |
|post_id |varchar(5)|No |
|val |varchar(1)|No |
== Dump dei dati per la tabella ld
== Struttura della tabella ld
|Campo |Tipo |Null|Predefinito
|//**id**//|int(5) |No |
|auth_id |varchar(5)|No |
|post_id |varchar(5)|No |
|val |varchar(1)|No |
I really don't know how to send an ajax request, and I have also tried to learn ajax but no way, I can't understand it.
You should use jquery, it's actually very simple with it. First include this in your HTML file:
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
Then add this, it is called a "listner" and it pays attention in this case to when your link is clicked:
// A # is used since we are using an id to get the element
// A . is used for a class, but we are using the id at the moment
$('#like').click(function(e) { // We assign a click listner with a handler (a function)
e.preventDefault(); // run this to stop it from going to a new page automatically
$.get('./', {'act' : 'like', 'id' : $(this).attr('data')}, function(e) {
// Handle success here
}, 'json'); // expecting a json object back by using echo json_encode(array(...)) in PHP
With my example you will need to change the html to this:
<a id="like" href="" data="24" title="Nobody likes this post!">Like</a>
And then you could do the same thing with dislike. The {} as the second parameter i did in the $.get is a javascript array as a fyi. Here is the $.get method i used in jquery's documentation: http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.get/
For information on what ajax is and how it works check out this article: http://www.webdesignerdepot.com/2008/11/how-ajax-works/
Feel free to ask for any clarifications