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SlickGrid: How to view full text in column headers?

I'm using SlickGrid, and right now, if I have really long column headers, SlickGrid cuts the header short with ellipses (...).

My question is: Is there's a way to view the whole text on mouseover?

By the way, I was able to do it for long cell entries by registering this cool plugin

mygrid.registerPlugin(new Slick.AutoTooltips());

Here's a jsFiddle using that plugin:

Note that if you mouseover a cell with a long value, then you can view the full entry, but it doesn't do that for long column headers.

I'm thinking that I can edit that plugin to allow for that behavior. Any other suggestions? Thanks!


  • Ok - I got this. In the latest version of SlickGrid there seems to be a change made to the way the title attribute is set on the column-headers. Previously, the name attribute of the column would be set as title. Now we need to add a new parameter to the column definition - called toolTip. I edited your fiddle with this and now the tooltips work fine.

    I changed your column definition like this:

    { id: "long-val", name: "Really Really Really Long Title", 
    field: "longVal", sortable:true, 
    toolTip: "Really Really Really Long Title" }

    Note that you don't need the slick.autotooltips.js to make this work. That's just for the tooltips on the data.

    Let me know if this helps!