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What is the minimum I have to do to create an RPM file?

I just want to create an RPM file to distribute my Linux binary "foobar", with only a couple of dependencies. It has a config file, /etc/foobar.conf and should be installed in /usr/bin/foobar.

Unfortunately the documentation for RPM is 27 chapters long and I really don't have a day to sit down and read this, because I am also busy making .deb and EXE installers for other platforms.

What is the absolute minimum I have to do to create an RPM? Assume the foobar binary and foobar.conf are in the current working directory.


  • I often do binary rpm per packaging proprietary apps - also moster as websphere - on linux. So my experience could be useful also a you, besides that it would better to do a TRUE RPM if you can. But i digress.

    So the a basic step for packaging your (binary) program is as follow - in which i suppose the program is toybinprog with version 1.0, have a conf to be installed in /etc/toybinprog/toybinprog.conf and have a bin to be installed in /usr/bin called tobinprog :

    1. create your rpm build env for RPM < 4.6,4.7

    mkdir -p ~/rpmbuild/{RPMS,SRPMS,BUILD,SOURCES,SPECS,tmp}
    cat <<EOF >~/.rpmmacros
    %_topdir   %(echo $HOME)/rpmbuild
    %_tmppath  %{_topdir}/tmp
    cd ~/rpmbuild

    2. create the tarball of your project

    mkdir toybinprog-1.0
    mkdir -p toybinprog-1.0/usr/bin
    mkdir -p toybinprog-1.0/etc/toybinprog
    install -m 755 toybinprog toybinprog-1.0/usr/bin
    install -m 644 toybinprog.conf toybinprog-1.0/etc/toybinprog/
    tar -zcvf toybinprog-1.0.tar.gz toybinprog-1.0/

    3. Copy to the sources dir

    cp toybinprog-1.0.tar.gz SOURCES/
    cat <<EOF > SPECS/toybinprog.spec
    # Don't try fancy stuff like debuginfo, which is useless on binary-only
    # packages. Don't strip binary too
    # Be sure buildpolicy set to do nothing
    %define        __spec_install_post %{nil}
    %define          debug_package %{nil}
    %define        __os_install_post %{_dbpath}/brp-compress
    Summary: A very simple toy bin rpm package
    Name: toybinprog
    Version: 1.0
    Release: 1
    License: GPL+
    Group: Development/Tools
    SOURCE0 : %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
    BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root
    %setup -q
    # Empty section.
    rm -rf %{buildroot}
    mkdir -p  %{buildroot}
    # in builddir
    cp -a * %{buildroot}
    rm -rf %{buildroot}
    %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/%{name}.conf
    * Thu Apr 24 2009  Elia Pinto <> 1.0-1
    - First Build

    4. build the source and the binary rpm

    rpmbuild -ba SPECS/toybinprog.spec

    And that's all.

    Hope this help