how to carry out an authentication process for each request sent. The problem i'm currently facing is i'm not able access user data which is sent as a request param. here is what i have tried
(pre-route[:any "/mainpage/*"] {:keys[data]}
(when (not(contains? data "userid"))
//false response
and the middleware
(defn for-auth [handler]
(fn [req]
(if (contains? (:body (:params req)))
(handler req)
(handler (assoc req :body {})
and i add the middlware too. but neither of them work.. Any idea to access user params..
Ok here is what i have done and it solves my problem..
(pre-route [:any "/mainroute/*"] {{:keys [jsondata]}:params}
(let [data (httputil/parse-json-data jsondata)]
(not (true? valid_req)) "false"
(not (true? version_check)) "false"
(not (true? user_valid)) "false"
here i have parsed my json data in middleware and added it to "params" with key name :jsondata.. it works perfectly..