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Where I should include reset css to avoid problems with my existing css?


I had this problem: and to solve it I included reset.css form here - >

Now my site look worse, because some margins are 0, and it look like this:

please. look at the footer - can't change margin and padding, because of reset.css.

I tried to include reset.css first, but it didn't help.

Question is - how I can solve this ?


  • just find out the specific problem and solve it manually, instead of including all that code for one fix.

    To me it looks like your ul has a margin on it, do "navClass" { margin: 0; } and see if that fixes it

    But, for future reference, CSS resets should ALWAYS be before your css, or else it will overwrite what you have created

    Edit: realised you have fixed your nav, but want to fix the footer. Just add a margin/padding to it, you was relying on the default, which you have set to 0 so you need to manually add it back in.