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Is there something like DbSet<T>.RemoveWhere(Predicate<T>)

Possible Duplicate:
Bulk-deleting in LINQ to Entities

I need to remove some entities by condition. E.g., remove all order items having quantity less than 1:

var orderId = 10; // any order Id
context.OrderItems.RemoveWhere(item => item.OrderId == orderId && item.Quantity < 1.0);

I know, that I can select those items and then remove them one-by-one like this:

var itemsToRemove = context.OrderItems.Where(item => item.OrderId == orderId && item.Quantity < 1.0).ToArray();

foreach (var item in itemsToRemove)

But this is very unlikely, because extra work will take place. Am I missed something?


  • You could use the EntityFramework.Extended plugin on GitHub which has support for Batch Update and Delete.