I have a file with data that looks like that :
ID attribute
1 'text'
101 'text'
1011 'text'
10111 'text'
1011101 'text'
1011102 'text'
1011103 'text'
1011104 'text'
1011130 'text'
My goal is to build json tree structure from these data :
ID : 1,
attribute : 'text',
children : [
ID: 101,
attribute : 'text',
children : [
ID : 2,
In python, i builded a list of dictionnaries like that :
[ {'id': ID, 'attr' : text}, {...} ]
I think i could use the fact that leaf id contain his parents id but i can't see the way to build the structure i want.
I would appreciate any help, in pseudo code or any other programming langage.
Solution from thg435 worked with little changes :
# open & read raw file
f=open(args[0], 'r')
text = f.read()
text = map(lambda s: s.split(" ", 1), text.strip().replace("'","").splitlines())
tree = [{'prefix': '', 'children':[]}]
stack = [tree[0]]
for id, attr in text:
while not id.startswith(stack[-1]['prefix']):
node = {'prefix': id, 'attr': attr, 'children': []}
pprint.pprint( tree)
print json.dumps( tree)
f=open(args[1], 'w')
f.write(json.dumps( tree, sort_keys=True, indent=1))
Thanks !