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Squeel evaluating a string as a keypath for joins

Here's what I'd really like to do:

Outage.joins{eval "unit.plant"}

I'm going to have a string that represents a squeel keypath. I'd like to send this string into a join statement.

But here's what I get as an error:

#<Class:0x639e328>: unknown class: Squeel::Nodes::Function

I've tried:


But that does not work... what am I missing?

I don't see any documentation on this on the github page:

Thank you for any help!

Update: I've found a really confusing way to pull this off:

("unit.plant".split ".").map{ |x| x.to_sym }.reverse.inject{ |acc, x| { x => acc } }

This will output:


This can be passed into the joins squeel function. I'm sure there has to be a better way than to construct nested symbols :(


  • How about


    Source: KeyPath Docs