I have configured my environment so that I can load a suitably crafted .png file into an image defined like this:
boost::gil::rgb8_image_t input;
but how do I load a png file of any typical type (such as is generated by the GIMP, or MS Paint). I think it needs boost::gil::any_image but I don't know the types that I need to configure it with.
I've tried:
typedef boost::mpl::vector<
> my_img_types;
boost::mpl::any_image<my_img_types> input;
boost::gil::png_read_image(ipath, input);
but that doesn't load a file created by MS Paint or the GIMP.
Have you tried using the family of functions png_read_and_convert_*
For example:
boost::gil::rgb8_image_t input;
boost::gil::png_read_and_convert_image(ipath, input);
You will lose the original type of the image this way, but if you want a fixed type for your code to manipulate this might be a good way to go.