We use Ant's secure handler to enter passwords:
<input message="Please enter TFS password: " addproperty="tfs.password">
<handler type="secure"/>
That, of course, does work: input is not printed.
When though (to save the build log) we run the build as
ant | tee build.log
the input is printed in clear text. Oops.
I wonder where is the issue (ant? tee?) and how to fix that.
P.S. OS:
Linux devosb1 3.0.0-12-generic #20-Ubuntu
SMP Fri Oct 7 14:56:25 UTC 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
P.P.S. OK, so it is not tee -- a shell script with read/echo instead of tee triggers the same behaviour.
Looks like a shell issue. Have you considered using the ANT record task?
<project name="demo" default="build">
<target name="build">
<record name="build.log" loglevel="verbose"/>
<input message="Please enter TFS password: " addproperty="tfs.password">
<handler type="secure"/>