I may be approaching this all wrong, but I would like to use a REDIS bitmap to track activity within my application. I have a piece of code like the following:
using (var conn = new RedisConnection("localhost"))
var b1 = conn.Strings.SetBit(1, "test:2012-07-25", 1, true);
var b2 = conn.Strings.SetBit(1, "test:2012-07-25", 3, true);
var arr = conn.Strings.Get(1, "test:2012-07-25");
BitArray bits = new BitArray(arr.Result);
I can add entries (b1 & b2) without any issue. However, when I attempt to get the bitmap back from the server as a bitarray it does not work correctly (I get a value but the bits that are set are completely incorrect). I assume I am doing something wrong in using the Strings.Get function to attempt to return the bits, but I don't know how else to go about it. The only obvious way to do it would be to make individual calls to getbit for each date I am interested in, but this would seemingly introduce a significant amount of round-trips to the server. Any help would be appreciated!
Sorry folks, the correct result is being returned, I was reading it wrong. There are really two gotchas:
[0] false [1] false [2] false [3] false [4] true [5] false [6] true [7] false
I guess the key is actually to reverse the bytes/bits before processing...Hope this helps someone out in the future...