I've made a custom page.xml layout and it is working. Now, how do I add the catalog to the link entitled "products" in the header? Right now it is a CMS page.
You can see site so far here:
I've been searching all afternoon, and couldn't find anything. The closest was this, but it wouldn't work either after trying a few variations. Magento: catalog in /catalog url path
In the custom theme, I have copied and created the folders for layout/catalog.xml, catalog/navigation/left.phtml, catalog/category/view/phtml and catalog/product/gallery.phtml.
Essentially, instead of making the link a CMS page, I simply pointed it to a catalog's category.
I created a sub-category called "products" inside the default top-level category, which I found out is good practice to keep the breadcrumbs in tact. Created the URL slug "products". Then pointed the link to www.magentostore/products. Initially that didn't work, but after investigating further, I needed to add .html to the end so it should be www.magentostore/products.html. Products showed up after that.
Also, as John says in the comments, make sure that the settings for displaying products and inventory levels are set in the sites's admin (System, Config, Catalog/Inventory).