i want to make an application or more like a tweak for android i want to write some code that's gonna work on an android device and will do curtain actions based on an input from a Bluetooth device this application needs to run in the background at all times (as if it was part of the device's operation system) and be getting input every second i need it to be able to bring up i custom keyboard i am gonna design and to set up a courser just like in a desktop which can be controlled by the application.
i read about something called a ROM and i dont know if thats what i am looking for.
i also know that the android operation system can be modified or replaced with another operation systems like the one called cyanogen .
i am a beginner and i have got some background in java
i tried creating an android app but i dont know how to make this thing work on the OS
i need someone to give me a very detailed explanation cause i know nothing about these stuff
It sound like your trying to make an App that takes Bluetooth input...
It doesn't sound like you need to edit the OS itself...
You need to set up the Android SDK to start development... http://developer.android.com/sdk/installing/index.html 1. Download the SDK 2. Install the Eclipse Plugin 3. Write the code, and run it on the emulator or your connected device(make sure debugging is enabled under Setting->Applications->Developer)
Here's some info on getting started w/ Bluetooth... http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/connectivity/bluetooth.html
Since you want this to run all the time, I would look into Android Services also... http://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/Service.html
You may want to also take a look at the Sample Projects included w/ the SDK after you download the SDK and set up your IDE and Emulator(or phone)... http://developer.android.com/tools/samples/index.html
Hope this helps clear some stuff up...