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Send C++ string to Java via JNI

I am working on the C++ side of a project that is building an Android application. There is some information (via strings and string arrays) that I need to pass to the Java application (via JNI). I have never done this before, and the people working in the reverse direction have no experience with C++ and admit that they cannot really help.

I did find the following code (from here)

 #include <jni.h>  
    #include "ArrayHandler.h"  

    JNIEXPORT jobjectArray JNICALL Java_ArrayHandler_returnArray (JNIEnv *env, jobject jobj){        
      jobjectArray ret;  
      int i;  
      char *message[5]= {"first","second","third","fourth","fifth"};  
      ret= (jobjectArray)env->NewObjectArray(5,env->FindClass("java/lang/String"),env->NewStringUTF(""));  

      for(i=0;i<5;i++) {  

But this makes no sense to me. Mostly, I am not sure how I am supposed to incorporate this into the C++ side of the program and I am failing to understand exactly how this works. Is the code sending out the message upon execution of the return(ret); line? Or during the execution of the line within for loop?

Ideally, I would like the string/string array to be sent out "live" in line and not at the end of a function so that I do not have to incorporate a new function.

Will the code I found work for what I want (with some adaptation)? Is what I am looking for even possible? If so, how can I do it?

EDIT/UPDATE: Having spent the day looking into JNI and the terminology, I think I have failed to correctly communicate what I am looking to achieve both here and as a comment to @jogabonito's answer/reply.

That being said. The code I am working on is for an IM client that will need to push message and presence updates to the Android java application (via JNI) so that the Android application does not poll for updates. I have managed to learn how to setup the functions for the java code to call to requrest information. However, I do not have any idea how to push new message or presence information (jabber stanza strings) to the java code when it comes in. All the code that I have seen on how to do this (see below for example) seems to require getting information from the java code (env, class, methodid, etc).

It does not make sense to me how this is supposed to be possible when it is not the java code calling the function, but my c++ code. Any explanation/help would be very much appreciated.

#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <jni.h>

jstring Java_the_package_MainActivity_getJniString( JNIEnv* env, jobject obj){

    jstring jstr = (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, "This comes from jni.");
    jclass clazz = (*env)->FindClass(env, "com/inceptix/android/t3d/MainActivity");
    jmethodID messageMe = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, clazz, "messageMe", "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;");
    jobject result = (*env)->CallObjectMethod(env, obj, messageMe, jstr);

    const char* str = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env,(jstring) result, NULL); // should be released but what a heck, it's a tutorial :)
    printf("%s\n", str);

    return (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, str);


  • In the function you shared, in your c++ code you are creating an object array with NewObjectArray. Then in your for-loop you are creating a string with NewStringUTF and storing it at an index in your array using SetObjectArrayElement. Until now, your object array is only known to your c++ code and not to your java code. Only when you return it will your java app get access to it.
    I can think of a couple of ways to send the string to java from c++, though it may not be exactly what you intended.

    1. Pass a String array to your native function. In you native code you can access each element using GetObjectArrayElement and update it using SetObjectArrayElement. This will probably be pointless since you end up having to call a function which I persume you do not want.

    2. If you already have a string defined as a field in your java code, from your native get access to it using GetFieldID and GetObjectField, and you can update it using SetObjectField. I dont know how you will signal your java code that the field has been updated though ( if you need it)

    The updated function which you have written is meant to be called from the java layer. The clue for this is name of the function Java_the_package_MainActivity_getJniString. To call java code from a native context, you will need references to the env and obj from java. Have a look at How do I load my own Java class in C on Android? for an approach to get this. You will also probably have to look up how to use global references in JNI