can we use standard 'InsertCpDialog$initialize()' in our javascript like this , so that i can call other function once it get initializes. I used like below code but it is not working. :(
Extensions.InsertCpDialog.prototype.initialize = function InsertCpDialog$initialize()
alert('hi inside insert');
var p =;
if(window.document.nameProp == "Name" || window.document.title == "Name") {
var browserName=navigator.appName; // Get the Browser Name
if(browserName=="Microsoft Internet Explorer") // For IE
alert('hi inside IE');
//window.onload=init(); // Call init function in IE
if (document.addEventListener) // For Firefox
alert('hi inside firefox');
//document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", init(), false); // Call init function in Firefox
Original(standard) one is like:
Type.registerNamespace ("Tridion.Cme.Views");
Tridion.Cme.Views.InsertCpDialog = function InsertCpDialog()
Type.enableInterface(this, "Tridion.Cme.Views.InsertCpDialog");
Tridion.Cme.Views.InsertCpDialog.prototype.initialize = function InsertCpDialog$initialize()
hi frank thank you, but already i am using same thing in my code to get the list of componet and template listed on a page under CP tab.
function getbtn() {
//alert('inside getbtn');
var sbtn = document.getElementById ("buttonComponentInsert");
$evt.addEventHandler(sbtn , "click", getListofCPBtnClick);
function getListofCPBtnClick(e) {
//code will go here
My question is : I need to get selected Component and template Id from Insert CP window.Earlier i was able to get that by changing the CME extension standard code, but i am not suppose to do that, So first i am trying to initialize the "insert CP window" from my javascript code. I can create event handler for that window, but my question is how to initialize that so that i can call any function once it get initialize. Kindly let me know if i anot clear.
Is your script getting loaded into the dialog?
If not, Albert shows how to do that here:
He then also shows how to listen to events to accomplish something similar to what you are trying to do.