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ClassFormatException with JSNI Overlay Types in GWT 2.4

we are trying to develop a mobile application using GWT 2.4 but now it seems I hit a wall and cannot solve the problem.

We have written 4 Overlay Types for the Data we receive from a server as JSON and 1 Overlay Type with static utility functions.

Depending on where we use those utility function we get this error :

java.lang.ClassFormatError: Illegal method name "<init>$" in class com/our/company/DataUtil
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(

Things I have tested:

  • Calling various methods from DataUtil in a module which is loaded via deferred binding

Result: No matter which method is called, the error shows up during compile time with the additional message :

[ERROR] [wwapp] Failed to create an instance of'' via deferred binding
  • Calling methods from DataUtil in Activities:

Result: The error shows up during runtime as an alert popup.

Allow me to quickly illustrate all relevant classes:

DataUtil --> Overlay Type

AData --> Overlay Type
BData --> Overlay Type
CData --> Overlay Type
DData --> Overlay Type
A --
B --
C --
D --> respective data types as "pure" Java classes

This is a simplified version of the DataUtil class:

public final class DataUtil extends JavaScriptObject
  protected DataUtil()


  private final native static JsArray<AData> asArrayOfAData( String json ) /*-{
        return eval(json);

  private final static native BData asBData( String json ) /*-{
        if (json.charAt(0) != "(")
            json = "(" + json + ")";

        return eval(json);

  private final static native JsArray<CData> asArrayOfCData( String json ) /*-{
        return eval(json);

  private final static native JsArray<DData> asArrayOfDData( String json ) /*-{
        return eval(json);

  public final static List<A> getListOfAs( String json )
    JsArray<AData> arr = asArrayOfAData( json );
    List<A> list = new ArrayList<A>();

    for ( int i = 0; i < arr.length(); ++i )
      list.add( arr.get( i ).asA() );

    return list;

  public final static B getB( String json )
    return asBData( json ).asB();

  public final static List<C> getListOfC( String json )
    JsArray<CData> arr = asArrayOfCData( json );
    List<C> list = new ArrayList<C>();

    for ( int i = 0; i < arr.length(); ++i )
      list.add( arr.get( i ).asC() );

    return list;

  public final static List<D> getListOfD( String json)
    JsArray<DData> arr = asArrayOfDData( json);
    List<D> list = new ArrayList<D>();

    for ( int i = 0; i < arr.length(); ++i )
      list.add( arr.get( i ).asD() );

    return list;

If required, I will post the other overlay types as well. I really hope someone has encountered and solved this before, many thanks in advance, if so ;).

As by request I will post the full classses. I merely stripped comments, imports and packages.

JSData (Formerly DataUtil):

public final class JSData extends JavaScriptObject
  protected JSData()

  private final native static JsArray<POIData> asArrayOfPOIData( String json ) /*-{
        return eval(json);

  private final static native UserData asUserData( String json ) /*-{
        if (json.charAt(0) != "(")
            json = "(" + json + ")";

        return eval(json);

  private final static native JsArray<CategoryData> asArrayOfCategoryData( String json ) /*-{
        return eval(json);

  private final static native JsArray<RouteData> asArrayOfRouteData( String json ) /*-{
    return eval(json);

  public final static List<WWCategory> getListOfCategories( String json )
    JsArray<CategoryData> arr = asArrayOfCategoryData( json );
    List<WWCategory> list = new ArrayList<WWCategory>();

    for ( int i = 0; i < arr.length(); ++i )
      list.add( arr.get( i ).asWWCategory() );

    return list;

  public final static List<WWPOI> getListOfPOIs( String json )
    JsArray<POIData> arr = asArrayOfPOIData( json );
    List<WWPOI> list = new ArrayList<WWPOI>();

    for ( int i = 0; i < arr.length(); ++i )
      list.add( arr.get( i ).asWWPOI() );

    return list;

  public final static WWUser getUser( String json )
    return asUserData( json ).asWWUser();

  public final static List<WWRoute> getListOfRoutes( String routesJSON )
    JsArray<RouteData> arr = asArrayOfRouteData( routesJSON );
    List<WWRoute> list = new ArrayList<WWRoute>();

    for ( int i = 0; i < arr.length(); ++i )
      list.add( arr.get( i ).asWWRoute() );

    return list;

UserData :

public final class UserData extends JavaScriptObject
  protected UserData()


  private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger( "com.isp.wwapp.core.client.model.jsdata.UserData" );

  public final String getUserName()
    String benutzername_js = getUserName_JS();
    String benutzername = Utils.unescape( benutzername_js );

    return benutzername;
  private final native String getUserName_JS() /*-{
        return this.benutzername;

  public final String getName()
    String vorname_js = getName_JS();
    String vorname = Utils.unescape( vorname_js ); vorname );
    return vorname;
  private final native String getName_JS() /*-{
        return this.vorname;

  public final String getSurname()
    String nachname_js = getSurname_JS();
    String nachname = Utils.unescape( nachname_js ); nachname );
    return nachname;
  private final native String getSurname_JS()
        return this.nachname;

  public final Boolean getGender()
    String geschlecht_js = getGender_JS();
    Boolean geschlecht = null;

    geschlecht = geschlecht_js.equals( "w" );

    return geschlecht;
  private final native String getGender_JS()
        return this.geschlecht;

  public final String getNickname()
    String nickname_js = getNickname_JS();
    String nickname = Utils.unescape( nickname_js );

    return nickname;
  private final native String getNickname_JS()
        return this.nickname;

  public final Date getBirthday()
    String geburtstag_js = getBirthday_JS();
    Date geburtstag = null;

      geburtstag = DateTimeFormat.getFormat( "yyyy-MM-dd" ).parse( geburtstag_js );
    catch ( IllegalArgumentException e )
      log.log( Level.SEVERE, "Das Geburtsdatum konnte nicht richtig geparst werden.", e );
    return geburtstag;
  private final native String getBirthday_JS()
        return this.geburtstag;

  public final String getPassword()
    String passwort_crypt_js = getPassword_JS();
    String passwort_crypt = Utils.unescape( passwort_crypt_js ); passwort_crypt );
    return passwort_crypt;
  private final native String getPassword_JS()
        return this.passwort_crypt;

  public final String getStreet()
    String strasse_js = getStreet_JS();
    String strasse = Utils.unescape( strasse_js );

    return strasse;
  private final native String getStreet_JS()
        return this.strasse;

  public final String getStreetNumber()
    String hausnr_js = getStreetNumber_JS();
    String hausnr = Utils.unescape( hausnr_js );

    return hausnr;
  private final native String getStreetNumber_JS()
        return this.hausnr;

  public final String getZIP()
    String plz_js = getZIP_JS();
    String plz = Utils.unescape( plz_js );

    return plz;
  private final native String getZIP_JS()
        return this.plz;

  public final String getDistrict()
    String ortsteil_js = getDistrict_JS();
    String ortsteil = Utils.unescape( ortsteil_js );

    return ortsteil;
  private final native String getDistrict_JS()
        return this.ortsteil;

  public final String getLocation()
    String ort_js = getLocation_JS();
    String ort = Utils.unescape( ort_js );

    return ort;
  private final native String getLocation_JS()
        return this.ort;

  public final String getState()
    String landesteil_js = getState_JS();
    String landesteil = Utils.unescape( landesteil_js );

    return landesteil;
  private final native String getState_JS()
        return this.landesteil;

  public final String getRegion()
    String region_js = getRegion_JS();
    String region = Utils.unescape( region_js );

    return region;
  private final native String getRegion_JS()
        return this.region;

  public final String getCountry()
    String landname_js = getCountry_JS();
    String landname = Utils.unescape( landname_js );

    return landname;
  private final native String getCountry_JS()
        return this.landname;

  public final String getImageURL()
    String foto_js = getImageURL_JS();
    String foto = Utils.unescape( foto_js );

    return foto;
  private final native String getImageURL_JS()
        return this.foto;

  public final String getWebsite()
    String webseite_js = getWebsite_JS();
    String webseite = Utils.unescape( webseite_js );

    return webseite;
  private final native String getWebsite_JS()
        return this.webseite;

  public final Integer getDbId()
    String idBenutzer_js = getDbId_JS();
    Integer idBenutzer = null;

    idBenutzer = Integer.parseInt( idBenutzer_js );

    return idBenutzer;
  private final native String getDbId_JS()
        return this.idBenutzer;

  public final String getEmail()
    String email_js = getEmail_JS();
    String email = Utils.unescape( email_js );

    return email;
  private final native String getEmail_JS()

  public final String getTel()
    String festnetz_js = getTel_JS();
    String festnetz = Utils.unescape( festnetz_js );

    return festnetz;
  private final native String getTel_JS()
        return this.festnetz;

  public final String getMobile()
    String mobil_js = getMobile_JS();
    String mobil = Utils.unescape( mobil_js );

    return mobil;
  private final native String getMobile_JS()
        return this.mobil;

  public final String getIMEI()
    String imei_js = getIMEI_JS();
    String imei = imei_js; imei );
    return imei;
  private final native String getIMEI_JS()
        return this.imei;

  public final String getFax()
    String fax_js = getFax_JS();
    String fax = Utils.unescape( fax_js );

    return fax;
  private final native String getFax_JS()
        return this.fax;

  public final String getSkype()
    String skype_js = getSkype_JS();
    String skype = Utils.unescape( skype_js );

    return skype;
  private final native String getSkype_JS()

  public final String getICQ()
    String icq_js = getICQ_JS();
    String icq = Utils.unescape( icq_js );

    return icq;
  private final native String getICQ_JS()
        return this.icq;

  public final String getTwitter()
    String twitter_js = getTwitter_JS();
    String twitter = Utils.unescape( twitter_js );

    return twitter;
  private final native String getTwitter_JS()
        return this.twitter;

  public final Integer getMyPoiDbID()
    String persPoi_js = getMyPoi_JS();
    Integer persPoiId = null;

      persPoiId = Integer.parseInt( persPoi_js );

    catch ( NumberFormatException e )
      log.log( Level.SEVERE, "Fehler beim Parsen der POI Datenbank-Id.", e );

    return persPoiId;
  private final native String getMyPoi_JS()
        return this.persPoi;

  public final WWUser asWWUser()

    Contact con = new Contact( this.getEmail(), this.getTel(), this.getMobile() );

    //TODO restliche Kontaktattribute füllen .

    Address adr =
        new Address( this.getStreet(), this.getStreetNumber(), this.getLocation(), this.getZIP(),
            this.getCountry() );

    WWUser wwuser =
        new WWUser( this.getDbId(), this.getName(), this.getSurname(), con, adr, this.getUserName(),
            Utils.hexStringToByteArray( this.getPassword() ), this.getIMEI() ); wwuser.toString() );

    return wwuser;




public class POIData extends JavaScriptObject

  private final Logger log = Logger.getLogger( "com.isp.wwapp.core.client.model.jsdata.POIData" );

  protected POIData()

  public final Integer getDbId()
    Integer dbid = null;
    String dbid_js = getDbId_JS();
      dbid = Integer.parseInt( dbid_js );
    catch ( NumberFormatException nfe )
      log.log( Level.INFO, "Die Datenbank-ID " + dbid_js + " konnte nicht in ein Integer geparst werden.",
          nfe );

    return dbid;
  private final native String getDbId_JS() /*-{
        return this.idPoi;

  public final String getLabel()
    return Utils.unescape( getLabel_JS() );
  private final native String getLabel_JS() /*-{
        return this.poiBez;

  public final String getDescription()
    return Utils.unescape( getDescription_JS() );
  private final native String getDescription_JS() /*-{
        return this.kurztext;

  public final Double getLongitude()
    Double lon = null;
    String lon_js = getLongitude_JS();
      lon = Double.parseDouble( lon_js );
    catch ( NumberFormatException nfe )
      log.log( Level.SEVERE, "Die Longitude " + lon_js + " konnte nicht in ein Double geparst werden.", nfe );
    return lon;
  private final native String getLongitude_JS() /*-{
        return this.laenge;

  public final Double getLatitude()
    Double lat = null;
    String lat_js = getLatitude_JS();
      lat = Double.parseDouble( lat_js );
    catch ( NumberFormatException nfe )
      log.log( Level.SEVERE, "Die Latitude " + lat_js + " konnte nicht in ein Double geparst werden.", nfe );
    return lat;
  private final native String getLatitude_JS() /*-{
        return this.breite;

  public final String getStreet()
    return Utils.unescape( getStreet_JS() );
  private final native String getStreet_JS() /*-{
        return this.strasse;

  public final String getStreetNumber()
    return Utils.unescape( getStreetNumber_JS() );
  private final native String getStreetNumber_JS() /*-{
        return this.hausnr;

  public final String getZIP()
    return Utils.unescape( getZIP_JS() );
  private final native String getZIP_JS() /*-{
        return this.plz;

  public final String getLocation()
    return Utils.unescape( getLocation_JS() );
  private final native String getLocation_JS() /*-{
        return this.ort;

  public final String getCountry()
    return Utils.unescape( getCountry_JS() );
  private final native String getCountry_JS() /*-{
        return this.landName;

  public final String getDistrict()
    return Utils.unescape( getDistrict_JS() );
  private final native String getDistrict_JS() /*-{
        return this.ortsteil;

  public final String getState()
    return Utils.unescape( getState_JS() );
  private final native String getState_JS() /*-{
        return this.landesteil;

  public final String getRegion()
    return Utils.unescape( getRegion_JS() );
  private final native String getRegion_JS() /*-{
        return this.region;

  public final String getURL()
    return Utils.unescape( getURL_JS() );
  private final native String getURL_JS() /*-{
        return this.url;

  public final String getContactEmail()
    return Utils.unescape( getContactEmail_JS() );
  private final native String getContactEmail_JS() /*-{
        return this.kontaktEmail;

  public final String getContactTel()
    return Utils.unescape( getContactTel_JS() );
  private final native String getContactTel_JS() /*-{
        return this.kontaktTel;

  public final String getContactMobile()
    return Utils.unescape( getContactMobile_JS() );
  private final native String getContactMobile_JS() /*-{
        return this.kontaktTel2;

  public final String getContactFax()
    return Utils.unescape( getContactFax_JS() );
  private final native String getContactFax_JS() /*-{
        return this.kontaktFax;

  public final List<String> getCategoryLabels()
    JsArrayString labelsArray = getCategoryLabels_JS();
    List<String> labelsList = new ArrayList<String>();

    for ( Integer i = 0; i < labelsArray.length(); ++i )
      labelsList.add( Utils.unescape( labelsArray.get( i ) ) );
    return labelsList;
  private final native JsArrayString getCategoryLabels_JS() /*-{
        var katLabels = new Array();
        for ( var i = 0; i < this.myKat.length; ++i) {
        return katLabels;

  public final List<WWCategory> getCategories()
    List<WWCategory> cats = new ArrayList<WWCategory>();
    JsArray<CategoryData> cats_js = getCategories_JS();

    for ( Integer i = 0; i < cats_js.length(); ++i )
      cats.add( cats_js.get( i ).asWWCategory() );
    return cats;
  private final native JsArray<CategoryData> getCategories_JS() /*-{
        return eval(this.myKat);

  public final Date getLastModified()
    String geaendertAm_js = getLastModified_JS();
    Date geaendertAm = null;

    DateTimeFormat wwDTFormat = DateTimeFormat.getFormat( "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" );
      geaendertAm = wwDTFormat.parse( geaendertAm_js );

    catch ( IllegalArgumentException e )
      log.log( Level.SEVERE, "Parsen des Datums " + geaendertAm_js + "ist fehlgeschlagen.", e );

    return geaendertAm;
  private final native String getLastModified_JS() /*-{
        return this.geaendertAm;

  public final int getPosition()
    String position_js = getPosition_JS();
    int position = 0;
      position = Integer.parseInt( position_js );
    catch ( NumberFormatException e )
      log.log( Level.SEVERE, "Fehler beim Parsen der Position des POIs.", e );

    return position;
  private final native String getPosition_JS()
        return this.position;

  public final WWPOI asWWPOI()
    WWPOI poi = new WWPOI( this.getDbId(), this.getLatitude(), this.getLongitude(), this.getLabel() );

    poi.setDescription( this.getDescription() );
    poi.setUrl( this.getURL() );
    poi.setPosition( this.getPosition() );

    Address adr = new Address();
    adr.setCountry( this.getCountry() );
    adr.setDistrict( this.getDistrict() );
    adr.setLocation( this.getLocation() );
    adr.setZip( this.getZIP() );
    adr.setState( this.getState() );
    adr.setStreet( this.getStreet() );
    adr.setStreetNumber( this.getStreetNumber() );

    poi.setAddress( adr );

    Contact con = new Contact();
    con.setEmail( this.getContactEmail() );
    con.setFax( this.getContactFax() );
    con.setTel( this.getContactTel() );
    con.setMobile( this.getContactMobile() );

    poi.setContactData( con );

    List<WWCategory> categories = GimmeThatSingleton.getInstance().getCategories();

    List<WWCategory> poiCats = this.getCategories();

    for ( WWCategory poiCat : poiCats )

      for ( WWCategory cat : categories )
        // wenn katergorie vorhanden, vorhandene hinzufügen zu poi

        if ( poiCat.equals( cat ) )

          poi.addToCategory( cat );


    if ( poi.getCategories() == null )
      return null; //TODO throw exception?

    return poi;


public final class RouteData extends JavaScriptObject
  protected RouteData()

  private final Logger log = Logger.getLogger( "com.isp.wwapp.core.client.model.jsdata.RouteData" );

  public final String getLabel()
    return Utils.unescape( getLabel_JS() );
  private final native String getLabel_JS() /*-{
        return this.routenBez;

  public final Integer getDbId()
    Integer dbid = null;
    String dbid_js = getDbId_JS();
      dbid = Integer.parseInt( dbid_js );
    catch ( NumberFormatException nfe )
      log.log( Level.SEVERE, "Die Datenbank-ID " + dbid_js + " konnte nicht in ein Integer geparst werden.",
          nfe );

    return dbid;
  private final native String getDbId_JS() /*-{
        return this.idRoute;
   * @return
  public final WWRoute asWWRoute()
    WWRoute route = new WWRoute( getDbId(), null, getLabel(), null );
    return route;


public final class CategoryData extends JavaScriptObject

  protected CategoryData()

  private final Logger log = Logger.getLogger( "com.isp.wwapp.core.client.model.jsdata.CategoryData" );

  public final String getLabel()
    return Utils.unescape( getLabel_JS() );
  private final native String getLabel_JS() /*-{
        return this.katBez;

  public final String getDescription()
    return Utils.unescape( getDescription_JS() );
  private final native String getDescription_JS() /*-{
        return this.katBeschreibung;

  public final Integer getDbId()
    Integer dbid = null;
    String dbid_js = getDbId_JS();
      dbid = Integer.parseInt( dbid_js );
    catch ( NumberFormatException nfe )
      log.log( Level.SEVERE, "Die Datenbank-ID " + dbid_js + " konnte nicht in ein Integer geparst werden.",
          nfe );

    return dbid;
  private final native String getDbId_JS() /*-{
        return this.idKat;

  public final native Boolean isSubcategory() /*-{
        return (this.unterKatVon != null);
  public final native Boolean hasSubcategory() /*-{
        return (this.hatUnterKat == 'j');

  public final Integer getParentDbId()
    Integer parentdbid = null;
    String parentdbid_js = getParentDbId_JS();
    if ( parentdbid_js == null )
      return null;
      parentdbid = Integer.parseInt( parentdbid_js );
    catch ( NumberFormatException nfe )
      log.log( Level.SEVERE, "Die Datenbank-ID " + parentdbid_js
          + " konnte nicht in ein Integer geparst werden.", nfe );
      parentdbid = null;
    return parentdbid;
  private final native String getParentDbId_JS() /*-{
        return this.unterKatVon;

  public final Date getlastModified()
    String geaendertAm_js = getlastModified_JS();
    Date geaendertAm = null;

     * Serverformat eines Datum : "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss"

    DateTimeFormat wwDTFormat = DateTimeFormat.getFormat( "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" );
      geaendertAm = wwDTFormat.parse( geaendertAm_js );

    catch ( IllegalArgumentException e )
      log.log( Level.SEVERE, "Parsen des Datums " + geaendertAm_js + "ist fehlgeschlagen.", e );

    return geaendertAm;
  private final native String getlastModified_JS() /*-{
        return this.geaendertAm;

  public final WWCategory asWWCategory()

    WWCategory cat = new WWCategory( this.getParentDbId(), this.getDbId(), this.getLabel() );
    cat.setDescrition( this.getDescription() );

    return cat;


  • I think that the problem is in your *Data overlay types, because you declared instance fields:

    private final Logger log = Logger.getLogger( "com.isp.wwapp.core.client.model.jsdata.CategoryData" );

    Documentation states that overlay types cannot have any instance fields.

    Remove it or make it static.